Bhang Chocolat au lait THC

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Ce produit fait partie des promotions suivantes:
  • Choisissez au choix 6 produits sélectionnés pour 36$.
  • Choisissez au choix 13 produits sélectionnés pour 72$.
CBD : 0 mg/pc
THC : 10 mg/pc
Le chocolat au lait Bhang provient d’une culture de cacao durable conçue par INDIVA. Les barres de chocolat à quatre morceaux ont un ratio de 48% de cacao et 10 mg de THC. Une combinaison parfaite pour partager. Confectionnées dans des installations à la fine pointe de la technologie à London en Ontario, les barres de chocolat au lait de Bhang sont savoureuses et le cannabis est indétectable en termes de gout.

Only 60 calories & 4 grams of sugar

Par AnonymousInsj de Saint John, NB le 16 janvier 2021

I love this product. It tastes like really delicious chocolate and the whole bar is only 60 calories and 4 grams of sugar. Nice pleasant buzz that makes all the troubles of the world fade away for a few hours. I recommend it HIGHLY!

Sustainable and Scrumptious

Par Byrnesy de Fredericton, NB le 29 mai 2020

I saw these advertised in the newsletter and the fact that they are sustainably sourced and fair trade was enough for me to at least try them. The dangerous part of having no cannabis taste? You eat more than 1. The best part of having no cannabis taste? You eat more than 1. You could taste the cacao through the sweetness of the chocolate which I loved. I began with 2 bars, so 20mg total THC. As a regular user, I wasn't expecting much. However, I found that the effect was enough to take away my restlessness and irritability, but not so much that it induced strong psychotropic effects. A nice daytime feeling, especially if the sun is out. It took roughly 90min for me to hit the peak. This is Friday though, so I ended up eating 2 more bars for a total of 40mg THC. The effects a few hours later seem to have leveled off, but these are the side effects I look for when I know I am able to stay home. A little chuckle every once in a while for no reason, and a stronger head high. The Friday night movie marathon kind of high. I am excited for the rest of the evening and to be able to sleep through an entire night for a change. Can't wait to try the dark chocolate. P.S. it's great that they have a social side to their brand too because I find far too many cannabis companies are lacking in these areas.