Monjour Berry Good Day CBD Gummy Assortment

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Ce produit fait partie des promotions suivantes:
  • Choisissez au choix 2 produits sélectionnés pour 60$.
CBD : 20 mg/pc
THC : <0.04 mg/pc
Commencez la journée du bon pied avec un bonbon gélifié végétalien contenant 20 mg de CBD. Les bonbons Monjour sont offerts en paquet de 30 dans un mélange de saveurs : bleuet, fraise et baies sauvages. Ces bonbons sont conçus à partir d’isolat de CBD et de saveurs naturelles.

Love These

Par bnbhaines de Fredericton, NB le 16 janvier 2023

I was recommended these at one of the stores & im so glad I was. I have never slept so good since I started taking these. They make me extremely tired so I can only take at bedtime. They also help with pain which I have a lot of. I highly recommend.

Soooooo GOOD!!! :)

Par Scully85 de Dieppe, NB le 25 juillet 2022

Soooo happy I gave these a try! They’re utterly delicious! They work great to help sleep, anxiety, stress, pains. Normally I would take 10mg of CBD oil or another 10 mg CBD edible but the jump to 20mg with these hasn’t been intense at all. They’re really great, plus, awesome deal for your buck!

Game changer!

Par earlyvix de Moncton, NB le 17 juin 2022

For a while I had been using the CBD oil tinctures to help with my migraines and reduce tremors from my epilepsy medications. I was recommended the gummies at one of the stores and decided to give it a try. Let me just say, WOW. These things are a game changer. I find I get results much quicker than using the oil and I can really feel it kick in. These gummies are the holy grail of CBD products.

yummy gummy

Par Robertthered de Oromocto, NB le 9 mars 2022

My blood pressure has been up lately and I was searching for something to drop my bp, these seem to work, I will continue to try them, good so far!

Love these

Par Dizzzy de Sussex, NB le 20 décembre 2021

But they are always sold out in the Sussex store. Please stock more, thanks.

Liking These Gummies

Par Ellyp1 de Fredericton, NB le 10 décembre 2021

These gummies taste great and give quick results. Even one is great for de-stressing. I will buy these again.