Monjour CBN Bedtime Blueberry Lemon

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CBD : 20 mg/pc & 7.5 CNB mg/pc
THC : 2.5 mg/pc
Offrant un équilibre parfait de saveurs aux bleuets et au citron, ces délicieux jujubes vous aideront à décompresser. Chaque morceau contient 7,5 mg de CBN, 20 mg de CBD et 2,5 mg de THC. Faits à partir de saveurs naturelles et sans enrobage de sucre, ces jujubes complémenteront à merveille votre routine du soir.

What a bad night. Feeling lousy this morning.

Par Vivian de Fredericton, NB le 31 juillet 2024

When I went to bed, I felt drowsy with a layer of weirdness. Yet it took me an hour to fall asleep This pattern repeated throughout the night. I kept waking up and lying awake for ages at a time. And that was after taking only a quarter of a gummy, which, btw, tasted terrible. It's mindboggling that Monjour Bare couldn't do better than this. I'm memorizing their name to make sure I never, ever buy one of their products again.

Delicious and effective!

Par majh94 de Moncton, NB le 19 février 2024

These gummies are very tasty and they make me sleepy in about an hour. The high is very slight, but its just enough to help me get to sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, give these gummies a try!