Tweed Houndstooth atomiseur oraux

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CBD : 0-1 mg/ml
THC : 25 mg/ml
Forte teneur en THC et quantité minimale de CBD - Le pulvérisateur d’huile Tweed Houndstooth perpétue le renom d’une variété classique à dominance sativa dans une formulation avec terpènes contenant de l’extrait de cannabis, de l’huile TCM dérivée de noix de coco sans OGM et un peu d’essence de menthe. Cette huile puissante offre 25 mg de THC et moins de 1 mg de CBD par ml dans des pulvérisations précises de 2,5 mg de THC pour intégrer facilement une bonne expérience de consommation de THC.
TCM (Triglycérides à chaîne moyenne)

This stuff makes me so happy!

Par Wonderwoman de Grand-Sault/Grand Falls, NB le 15 avril 2021

I love this spray for a nice happy day buzz. I use anywhere from 5-7 sprays and I'm still productive throughout my day, cleaning and doing laundry. I also become quite creative sometimes.

Awesome stuff!

Par Megz34 de Moncton, NB le 14 avril 2021

I make my own edibles, but wanted to check out a different way of consumption so I gave this a try. Really great! I probably have a medium tolerance-ish, and found 3-4 sprays under the tongue did the trick for me. However, sometimes it seemed to take much longer than normal for the effects to kick in - 2-3 hours even(of course that's different for everyone). But usually I feel it in about an hour of eating an edible. BUT then the high also seemed to last longer too. Mint is very mild, but does a good job of masking the weed taste enough that it tastes decent. :)

Uplifting high

Par Martyrless de Campbellton, NB le 9 mars 2021

8 good sprays under the tongue, about an hour later I felt the effects strong

Quite hyper high

Par Jeannie5678 de Rogersville, NB le 28 janvier 2021

I take this before i meet up with people. it starts the meeting with a laughy high. Like hyper, energetic high. My laughing mechanism is strongly triggered by this for sure. Houndstooth must be a funny weed as well... but i only used one bottle, so i cant comment on consistency. I need three sprays too.

great taste but inconsistent product

Par Bendy1 de Moncton, NB le 21 janvier 2021

First one was great; the taste, the high, the soft slowdown. This second one didn't produce a high, just a tired feeling. So won't get this again.

great high and amazing taste

Par tbz1995 de Moncton, NB le 15 juin 2020

taste like mint and the high is the best high CNB has to offer. Unreal purchase, will buy again for sure